
150+ Cooking Hashtags To Grow Your Instagram & TikTok

22 Mins read

In the ever-evolving digital milieu, mastering the art of hashtags can seem like an intricate chore for those seeking visibility on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

For culinary enthusiasts, it has become increasingly important to understand and implement trending hashtags effectively.

The ability to strategically use these hashtags could potentially transform a meal prepared at home into a viral sensation, gaining countless likes, comments, shares, and followers.

However, this art is often enshrouded in ambiguity, not knowing which ones will bring the maximum traction.

This article aims to decipher this complexity and provide a comprehensive list of popular cooking-related hashtags.

The focus lies primarily on ensuring your culinary creations garner the attention and appreciation they truly deserve.

Cooking Hashtags For Instagram & TikTok

#cooking #foodporn #instafood #foodie #homemade #delicious #foodstagram #foodblogger #yum #tasty #foodphotography #foodlover #dinner #healthyfood #foodies #lunch #restaurant #gourmet #cook #recipes #cheflife #healthy #kitchen #foodblog #eat #foodpics

#recipe #chefsofinstagram #foodart #sweet #cookbook #mealprep #baking #pastry #baker #bake #cakes #cake #dessert #pastries #cookies #bread #bakes #cakesofinstagram #chocolate #cupcakes #pie #tart #sweets #dessertporn #cookie

#bakersofinstagram #patisserie #brownies #homebaking #bakefromscratch #bakinglove #cakelover #cupcake #donuts #macarons #sugarcookies #cakestagram #homemadecake #foodgasm #cakeporn #cakeoftheday #bakingfun #yumyum #cakelovers #cakelicious #deliciousbaking

#pizza #pizzatime #pizzalover #pasta #italianfood #cheese #pizzaporn #italian #pizzas #carbonara #spaghetti #pizza🍕 #pizzaoven #pizzeria #italiancuisine #risotto #lasagna #pizzamania #pizzapizza #italiancooking #italianpizza #italianrestaurant

#pizzaaddict #pizzalovers #italianchef #italiandishes #pizzagate #bolognese #pizzaforlife #cucinaitaliana #pizzaeveryday #grilled

#vegetarian #vegan #glutenfree #plantbased #veganfood #salad #veggies #fruit #veganrecipes #tofu #organic #healthylifestyle #veganism #veganlife #veganchef #vegetables #plantpower #healthyrecipes #veganlifestyle #veganlove #veganmeals #salads

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In this article, we’re taking a deep dive into the world of cooking hashtags on Instagram and TikTok.

We want to help you maximize your online presence on these popular platforms by teaching you how to use hashtags effectively.

The following sections will detail the practical steps, provide useful insights, and answer all the frequently asked questions about hashtags.

So, whether you’re a seasoned social media user or just starting out, this guide is here to make your content more accessible and your profile more popular.

Get ready to step up your hashtag game!

How To Effectively Use Cooking Hashtags?

1. Use Relevant Hashtags Related to Cooking or Recipe

The key to successful user engagement on Instagram and TikTok lies in the use of relevant hashtags related to your content, in this case, cooking or recipes.

These hashtags can make your posts more discoverable to those who look for content in these specific areas.

The use of related hashtags can help expand your audience and enable you to reach more people who are interested in cooking or recipes.

Choose hashtags that are not only relevant but also popular enough to gain visibility.

By doing so, you increase the chance that your content will be seen and shared by those who find it valuable, thus increasing your account’s growth.

It is crucial to note that such hashtags must relate to your content specifically, not just relate in a vague or distant way.

The relevance touches both the image shown and the caption given.

Users following these hashtags are highly likely to be interested in your content if they feel that your post aligns with what they’re searching for.

Think about what people interested in cooking or recipes might be searching for or following on Instagram and TikTok.

Such hashtags are beneficial because they can make the content findable to an audience that is already having a vested interest in such content.

By utilizing relevant and popular hashtags, not only will you reach a wider and interested audience, but you will also grow your social media following.

When it comes to Instagram and TikTok, using relevant hashtags related to cooking or recipes can expose your content to an audience that is fully interested and invested in such a niche.

Therefore, take the time to research and find relevant hashtags for your content. This way, you can enhance the discoverability of your posts and boost engagement.

By consistently using the right cooking or recipe hashtags, you might witness a significant increase in your followers, likes, comments, and shares.

Remember, cooking or recipe hashtags are not just about gaining visibility, but it’s about gaining visibility among the right audience.

In the end, keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to engage with followers who are genuinely interested in your content.

2. Utilize popular and trending food-related hashtags

With the rising popularity of food-centric content on social media platforms, incorporating popular and trending food-related hashtags can act as a powerful tool for getting your cooking posts seen by a larger audience.

Trending hashtags usually signify what the majority of users are currently interested in or talking about.

By including these in your posts, you can tap into existing conversations and boost the visibility of your content.

For instance, if there is a recent trend for homemade sourdough bread, using the hashtag #sourdoughbread can get you in front of people actively interested in this topic.

It’s important to do your research and stay updated with the most current food trends. Various online tools and websites can help you track and analyze what food-related hashtags are trending across different regions and platforms.

In addition to this, you should also consider using popular food-related hashtags that consistently maintain a high level of usage over time, such as #foodie, #homecooking, or #recipeoftheday.

These hashtags generally have a large and active following, providing an opportunity to get your posts seen by a wider circle of users beyond just your followers.

Remember, not every popular or trending hashtag will be relevant to your content. Always keep your target audience in mind and choose hashtags in line with your content and profile theme.

It’s also necessary to add a mix of broad and niche hashtags. While popular hashtags can get you high visibility quickly, smaller, niche hashtags can help you reach a more specific audience with a keen interest in your dish or cooking technique.

Most importantly, always ensure that the hashtags you’re using are appropriate and respectful. Some food-related hashtags might be connected to cultural traditions or dietary choices. Be sensitive and respectful towards these practices.

Stay updated with the most current food trends and always choose hashtags in line with your content and profile theme.

By mindfully selecting your hashtags and incorporating a mix of popular, trending, and niche food-related ones, you can maximize your posts’ reach, connect with like-minded users, and potentially grow your follower base on Instagram and TikTok.

Now, get ready to explore the world of food-related hashtags and take your cooking content to new heights!

3. Combine General and Specific Cooking Hashtags

One of the essential tips when it comes to using cooking hashtags on Instagram and TikTok is to combine general and specific hashtags in your posts.

General hashtags are keywords that broadly describe your content. They can include popular tags like #food, #cooking, #recipe, which have been used by a large number of users. These general hashtags can help increase your content’s visibility to a wider audience, as more people are likely to search these common keywords.

On the other hand, specific cooking hashtags refer to more detailed or niche tags related to your content. An example would be #veganpasta, #homemadebread, #dairyfreedessert, among others. Utilizing specific hashtags helps you to reach targeted audiences who are interested in this specific type of food or recipe.

With the combination of general and specific hashtags, you can achieve a balance between reaching a broad audience and targeting a niche market.

Combining general and specific cooking hashtags allows you to simultaneously tap into a broader audience and a niche market.

When mixing these two types of hashtags, you should be mindful of the number you use. Overdoing it with too many general hashtags might dilute your content’s appeal to the niche audience, as it makes your content appear less unique. Conversely, having too many specific hashtags can limit the reach of your content. You need to find a balance that works for your content and audience.

Research is an essential part of determining the right mix of general and specific hashtags. You need to understand the trends, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience and the wider Instagram and TikTok communities.

It can be useful to observe successful food-related posts and take note of the kinds of hashtags they use. You might find patterns or popular keywords that you can incorporate into your own posts to increase engagement and visibility.

Additionally, it is important to consistently monitor the performance of your hashtags. This will help you to understand which types of hashtags resonate more effectively with your audience, and this information can then guide your hashtag strategy in future posts.

Lastly, remember to make your combination of general and specific hashtags relevant to your content. Irrelevant or misleading hashtags can confuse your audience and may lead to decreased engagement or even unfollows.

In essence, combining general and specific hashtags is a valuable tactic that can boost your visibility and engagement on Instagram and TikTok. Just remember to balance the two types, research your audience, monitor your performance, and ensure your hashtags are always relevant to your content.

4. Include Hashtags Related to The Mealtime or Diet

As part of the journey to create impactful content using cooking hashtags on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, understanding the mealtime or diet that your content revolves around is essential.

The mealtime could be breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even specific meal categories like brunch or high tea, and using designated hashtags related to these mealtimes can drastically increase your online visibility.

This process also helps to create a niche for yourself, making it easier for users with specific meal interests to find you.

For instance, if you are posting about a breakfast meal, using hashtags like #BreakfastIdeas, #HealthyBreakfast, or #BreakfastClub not only specifies your content, but it also draws attention from enthusiastic breakfast-loving users.

Likewise, the diet-related hashtags come into play when your cooking content correlates with specific food groups or diet preferences.

These can be extremely variant, starting from simple diet preferences like vegetarian, vegan, low carb to specific diet plans like keto, Atkins, paleo, and many others.

According to these diet patterns, your hashtags can be similar to #VeganFoodShare, #LowCarbRecipes, #KetoMeals, etc.

By incorporating diet-related hashtags, you can effortlessly tap into the community of diet followers which can be a prominent potential audience for your content.

Remember, your ultimate goal is to be discovered by as many people as possible who might be interested in the type of content you are producing. This way, you can grow your follower base and increase your overall online influence.

By incorporating these mealtime or diet-related hashtags, you cannot only provide a brief idea about your content but also raise curiosity among users who share the same food preferences.

This form of hashtag usage cleverly sorts your content under specific categories on Instagram and TikTok, making it increasingly easier for users to discover you according to their preference.

Also, remember to keep track of the performance of your hashtags. Some tags may get you more engagement than others, and knowing which ones are working best can help you plan future posts.

And, as always, while using these hashtags, ensure they are relevant to your content to prevent misleading potential followers.

In a nutshell, placing emphasis on mealtime or diet-related hashtags can boost the reach of your online cooking content by tailoring it to the right set of audience.

5. Use Location-Based Hashtags for Local Followers

Location-based hashtags are a powerful strategy for increasing engagement with local followers.

As the vast majority of social media users are interested in finding local businesses and brilliant cooks, influencers, or home chefs in their area.

They are likely to follow or enlist the service of a cooking channel that operates within their vicinity.

For instance, if you run a food blog in New York, you can employ hashtags such as #NewYorkFoodie or #NewYorkCuisine in your posts.

This will ensure that your posts appear in searches made by users in New York who are interested in the city’s food culture.

Furthermore, it would be a great idea to use area-specific hashtags regarding famous local dishes.

This strategy can split the broad audience into subsets of people who are more likely to engage with your content.

By leveraging location-based hashtags, you can optimally connect with your local followers and enhance your reach amidst the local food community.

It’s also a beneficial strategy when you’re hosting local events or pop-up kitchens.

Target the local audience with hashtags specific to the event’s location along the lines of #LondonPopUpKitchen or #LosAngelesFoodFair.

This could help to increase the buzz around the event and boost footfall.

Moreover, location-based hashtags should not be limited to the city or region level only, you can also go hyperlocal.

Some effective examples of hyperlocal hashtags could be #EastLondonBakers or #SouthMumbaiStreetFood.

Especially in densely populated cities, hyperlocal hashtags can bring additional visibility.

Remember to balance the use of both wider location-based hashtags and hyperlocal ones to gain followers from various areas.

Lastly, being consistent with your use of location-based hashtags will improve your reach over time. So, keep tracking and analyzing your hashtag strategy and improve it accordingly.

Do remember though, the core aspect of using hashtags is to reach the right people, not just more people. So, choose your location-based hashtags wisely by considering your target audience.

6. Include Ingredients or Cooking Method in Hashtags

Using hashtags that include ingredients or the method of cooking you are using in your Instagram and TikTok posts can help attract a specific audience interested in that type of food or cooking style.

When you’re discussing a particular dish and hashtag the ingredients, it allows users who are interested in those ingredients or who may be looking for recipes using them to easily find your post.

Similarly, when you use hashtags about your cooking method, you open a pathway for home cooks and enthusiasts who are exploring that particular method.

For example, if you’re sharing a vegan dish, tagging it with #Vegan or #PlantBased can help you reach vegans or people who are hunting vegan recipes.

Moreover, if you’ve used the grilling method, including hashtags like #Grilling or #Barbecue can pool in a crowd interested in grilling recipes and techniques.

In addition, expanding the tags to include elements of the recipe or cooking process such as #FreshIngredients, #HealthyCooking, or #HomeMade can drive in more engagement.

Including hashtags based on the ingredients or method also gives your post a natural sense of authenticity, which can help establish a trustful connection with your followers and potential viewers.

But remember, your hashtags should always mirror your picture or video content, making sure they are relevant and appropriately represent your post.

Using the right mix and finding a balance in your hashtags will enhance the effectiveness of your cooking posts.

Play around with the hashtags you use and see what brings the most interaction and likes to your posts.

This can be a great tactic to boost visibility and potential interaction on your posts, especially if you are starting out or looking to grow your followers on Instagram or TikTok.

When you’re discussing a particular dish and hashtag the ingredients, it allows users who are interested in those ingredients or who may be looking for recipes using them to easily find your post.

However, avoid hashtag stuffing with too many ingredient or method related tags as it may come off as desperate or spammy.

Lastly, make your hashtags fun, creative, and unique where possible, this can make your post stand out and be memorable among so many others.

Remember, in social media, especially in visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok, the use of clever and appropriate hashtags is an art in itself that can result in a higher engagement if done accurately.

7. Create a Unique Brand-Specific Hashtag

Just like any other industry, the culinary world greatly benefits from branding, and one significant way to do this on Instagram and Tik Tok is through the use of unique brand-specific hashtags .

When you design and use a brand-specific hashtag, you make your content identifiable and memorable to your audience.

This way, users can follow this hashtag and be instantly updated whenever you post new content.

You can even use this tag in combination with other featured hashtags to broaden your reach. It also allows your audience to tag their posts with it to interact directly with your brand.

This is a great way to gather user-generated content that can be utilized in your future posts, creating a sense of community around your brand.

Keep in mind that the key to making the most out of brand-specific hashtags is to ensure they are unique, brief and meaningful.

When deciding on your brand-specific hashtag, think of something directly related to your brand, preferably your brand name or a catchy tagline.

However, it would be best if your brand-specific hashtag is simple, catchy and easy to remember.

The purpose of this hashtag is to not only highlight your content but also to make it easier for users to find your posts.

A good brand-specific hashtag can become a significant part of your brand identity online, and effectively boost your social media presence.

By creating a valuable brand-specific hashtag, you can get a better chance of being recognized by your target audience, and it can even lead to potential collaborations with other influencers or brands.

Make sure to encourage your followers to use your brand-specific hashtag, as this can amplify your brand’s reach to their followers too.

The more precise and consistent your brand’s hashtag usage, the higher the chances are for you to gain followers and engagement on Instagram and TikTok.

So, consider creating a unique, memorable, and engaging brand-specific hashtag that encapsulates the essence of your brand.

Remember, your brand-specific hashtag is a powerful marketing tool, and using it prudently can help to cultivate a strong, identifiable brand presence on social media platforms.

8. Limit Usage to 5-10 Hashtags Per Post

Whether you are a seasoned food blogger or just starting your culinary journey on Instagram and TikTok, it is crucial to understand the importance of limiting your use of hashtags per post.

For effective engagement and reach, it is highly recommended to use between 5 to 10 hashtags in each of your posts.

This strategy ensures that your content does not appear as spam to the algorithms of these social media platforms.

Contrarily, inundating your post with a slew of hashtags may detract from your message and dilute your post’s impact.

Quality trumps quantity when it comes to the effective use of hashtags.

When selecting hashtags to use, be sure to choose those that are the most relevant to your specific post.

Combine general cooking hashtags, specific recipe hashtags, dietary and mealtime hashtags accordingly to build a concise and effective hashtag strategy.

By narrowing down your hashtags, you can target your post to the right audience who are likely interested in your content.

Remember also to include your unique brand-specific hashtag among your chosen few for brand consistency and recognition across platforms.

While the temptation to reach as many people as possible can be strong, a focused hashtag approach often yields better results.

As you become more adept at using hashtags, you’ll start to see which ones produce the best engagement for your content.

You can then streamline your usage to the most impactful ones, further limiting more irrelevant ones.

A good practice is to adopt a test-and-learn approach to your hashtag strategy.

By tracking the performance of your hashtags, you can optimise your strategy and ensure each hashtag contributes to the engagement and traction of your posts.

Remember, the aim is not increasing visibility alone but doing so to the right audience who will engage and interact with your content.

Thus by limiting your cooking-related hashtags to just 5-10 per post, you increase chances of reaching your desired audience while avoiding appearing as spam to your followers and the platform’s algorithms.

9. Use hashtags in Instagram Stories and TikTok captions

Instagram Stories and TikTok videos are powerful tools for increasing the visibility of your cooking content, and using relevant hashtags in these posts can play a big role in achieving this.

On Instagram Stories, you can either incorporate hashtags by typing them out within the text tool, or by using Instagram’s dedicated hashtag sticker.

While Instagram allows the use of up to 30 hashtags per post, it’s important to note that Stories only allow a maximum of 10.

By cleverly integrating these hashtags into your content, they won’t seem obtrusive or out of place, yet they’ll provide an effective avenue to reach more interested users.

This is true for TikTok as well.

In a TikTok video’s caption, you can include relevant hashtags to surface your content to users interested in cooking or specific types of recipes or diet plans.

TikTok’s platform allows for the use of up to 100 characters in captions, which includes hashtags, so be strategic about your hashtag use.

It’s crucial to always select the hashtags which are most relevant to your cooking content and will likely be searched by your desired audience.

If you’re unsure about which cooking-related hashtags to use, you can do some research on the platform to understand which tags are trending or related to the type of content you’re posting.

By incorporating cooking hashtags in your Instagram Stories and TikTok captions, you amplify your content’s potential to reach the right audience which can increase engagement and growth.

Remember, hashtags are not just about getting exposure, they are also a tool to construct a dialogue and create a community around your brand, so use them wisely.

Using relevant hashtags in Instagram Stories and TikTok captions provides an immense opportunity to connect with the right audience and amplify your brand’s reach.

These tips can definitely facilitate better use of cooking hashtags on Instagram and TikTok, making your content more visible and impactful.

While these strategies are effective, it’s essential to remember that trends and algorithms on social media platforms evolve over time, so it’s beneficial to keep abreast of any new changes.

By doing this, you can adapt your approach and keep your content relevant, appealing and easily discoverable for your audience on Instagram and TikTok.

10. Avoid Using Overused or Generic Hashtags

When it comes to using cooking hashtags on Instagram and TikTok, it is essential to understand the importance of uniqueness and specificity.

Using overused or generic hashtags can have a detrimental effect on your content’s visibility and engagement rate.

Social media platforms have algorithms that prioritize content with unique and relevant hashtags.

Generic or overused hashtags, such as #food or #cooking, are overly saturated, meaning your post may get lost in the sea of content.

Moreover, users tend to ignore these overused and less meaningful hashtags.

However, it does not imply you should rule out popular hashtags completely – use them, but sparingly, and in combination with other more specific or unique hashtags.

Remember, your goal is to engage with a like-minded audience genuinely interested in your content, not to attract irrelevant engagements.

Contrastingly, by using unique and less commonly used hashtags, you make your post more discoverable and can reach a more targeted and engaged audience.

It’s worth doing some hashtag research – there are many tools available that can help you understand how widely used a hashtag is.

Look for niche cooking-related hashtags that resonate with your brand and content type.

Consider the value that your hashtag will bring to your audience – will they find your content under the hashtag relevant and engaging?

Only use hashtags that accurately represent your content and contribute positively to the user’s overall experience.

Keep track of trending hashtags as well, but ensure they’re related to your content and aren’t just inserted for the sake of boosting visibility.

Finally, experiment continuously – try different combinations of hashtags and analyze the engagement rate to see which sets work best for your content.

Therefore, understanding and implementing this essential tip can significantly elevate your cooking content on Instagram and TikTok.

How Many Hashtags Should I Use Per Post?

The question of how many hashtags to use per post on Instagram and TikTok, especially when dealing with cooking content, is one that seems to perplex social media influencers and casual users alike.

On Instagram, the platform allows for a maximum of 30 hashtags per post, an allowance that can seem quite extensive to many.

On the other hand, TikTok, is less definite about their maximum hashtag usage, but the general consensus among its users is a focus on quality over quantity.

The intention behind hashtags is to categorize your content, making it easily discoverable to a interested audience searching for that type of content.

But the question remains, how many hashtags are actually effective? Just because Instagram provides the space for 30 hashtags doesn’t mean filling up the quota ensures greater engagement.

Striking a balance between using enough hashtags to be found and not appearing as spam is crucial.

This is especially true when your goal is to engage an audience interested in cooking content. Drowning your engaging food photography and recipes in a sea of irrelevant, overly extensive hashtags may deter potential followers.

Instagram algorithms are getting smarter at picking up hashtag spamming, and such practices may do your content more harm than good in the long run.

It’s suggested to stick between five and nine hashtags per Instagram post for optimal engagement.

These hashtags should be a healthy mix of high follow-count general cooking hashtags and specific cooking techniques, styles or ingredients, unique to the content you’re posting.

On TikTok, the idea is similar. Use specific and relevant hashtags associated with your content, but lean towards using fewer than you would on Instagram to prevent looking like spam.

Remember, the goal of using hashtags isn’t just to gain views and followers, but to connect with an interested audience who will find value in your content and engage with it.

Since the platforms we are discussing are image and video-heavy, using some widely popular hashtags related to food photography or food videography is also recommended when relevant to your content.

Lastly, don’t overlook location-based hashtags if you’re sharing a dish from a particular place or cuisine. This can help attract an audience specifically interested in that area’s food.

Remember, while numbers matter, it’s about finding the right followers, not just accumulating a high number of them.

Are Instagram and TikTok Hashtags the Same?

Understanding the importance of hashtags is the first step towards harnessing their power for social media reach.

Both Instagram and TikTok utilize hashtags to categorize posts and make them discoverable to users.

However, the way these hashtags function varies between the two platforms, especially when it comes to maximising your content’s reach in relation to cooking content.

On Instagram, hashtags are used in the captions or comments of a post.

They help users find content related to specific topics, including cooking or food-related content.

Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, and their use can increase the post’s visibility, reaching a wider audience.

In contrast, TikTok uses its hashtags in a slightly different manner.

Although they perform the same categorization function, the platform’s algorithm seems to prefer less hashtag use, often recommending 3-5 relevant hashtags.

Furthermore, TikTok hashtags carry greater significance in trending challenges or trends, tying in the element of virality.

For cooking content, choosing hashtags related to trending recipes or food challenges could boost your post’s visibility on TikTok.

However, remember to keep the number of hashtags relatively reduced in comparison to Instagram.

In both scenarios, quality over quantity applies. The correct use of targeted, relevant hashtags will yield better results than simply stuffing a post with numerous loosely related hashtags.

Keep in mind that the aim is to reach the right audience, those who are genuinely interested in cooking and food content, and not just to attract a large number of views.

Learning to use the potential of hashtags requires understanding the distinct behaviours of these on each platform.

Understanding these differences will enable you to develop a more effective social media strategy for your cooking content on both Instagram and TikTok.

Can Hashtags Increase My Social Media Reach?

When it comes to increasing your social media reach, hashtags can play a significant role.

But what does it mean to increase your social media reach?

In essence, this means expanding the number of people your posts are visible to, or who they can potentially engage with.

With the right strategies, hashtags can significantly boost the visibility of your cooking posts on Instagram and TikTok, directly contributing to a broader social media reach.

Cooking enthusiasts often use specific hashtags while browsing for new recipes, food photography, or cooking tips.

If your posts include these popular cooking hashtags, they have a higher chance of appearing in these users’ feeds, thereby increasing your visibility and potential engagement.

Furthermore, using trending hashtags related to the cooking domain can place your posts in the ‘Explore’ sections of Instagram and TikTok, resulting in even more visibility.

Users exploring these sections are actively searching for new content, making this a golden opportunity for your posts to stand out and spark engagement.

Increasing engagement, in turn, is a signal to the platform algorithms that your content is relevant and valuable, prompting them to promote it further.

That’s not all – using particular branded hashtags on your posts can also help in fostering a strong digital community.

Fans of your cooking content can make use of this unique hashtag when they share their take on your recipes or cooking tips, contributing to a more extended network of interconnections and thereby, increasing your reach.

However, it’s essential to remember that simply using a large number of hashtags will not guarantee visibility.

The quality, relevance, and timing of the hashtags you use are equally important.

Knowing your target audience and the types of hashtags they frequently use can be highly beneficial in devising your hashtag strategy.

Regular research and testing are crucial to update your strategy according to changing trends and audience behavior.

Therefore, it’s safe to say that due to their ability to expand your visibility and build connections, hashtags can indeed be powerful tools in enhancing your social media reach.

What Are the Most Popular Instagram Hashtags?

If you are avid on Instagram, especially Instagram concerning cooking and food-related content, it becomes essential for you to know what the most popular Instagram hashtags are.

These popular hashtags don’t just help you with your personal visibility, but they also ensure that your content is seen by a wider audience.

Let’s discuss some of the popular food and cooking hashtags on Instagram.

For a general food post, some of the popular hashtags you can use are #food, #foodie, #foodporn, #yummy, #delicious, #foodphotography, and #instafood.

For more specific niches in cooking, you could use #baking, #cooking, #homemade, #recipe, #chef, #cook, #kitchen, #homecooking, etc.

#Feedfeed, #foodgawker, #foodandwine, #f52grams, and #buzzfeast are some of the popular hashtags used by food bloggers and influencers.

These trending hashtags can help increase the visibility of your posts, which can attract more followers and increase your Instagram engagement.

In addition to popular hashtags, it might benefit you to use localized tags to attract a local audience, such as #NYCFood or #LondonEats.

On the other hand, branded hashtags, which are unique to your brand, can also be beneficial in building your brand’s recognition.

It’s necessary to remember that these tags should relate to the content you are posting; otherwise, you might attract a non-targeted audience which is not beneficial for your space.

For example, if you are posting a vegan recipe, it makes sense to use popular vegan-related tags, such as #veganfood, #veganrecipe, #vegancooking, etc.

Popular hashtags change frequently, but using a mixture of relevant general and specific tags will help get your food and cooking posts the traction they deserve.

Mixture of relevant general, specific, and branded tags will help you in increasing the visibility to the rightly targeted audience.

Remember to always be aware of changing trends on Instagram, and periodically review and update your hashtag strategy accordingly.

Everyone’s audience is slightly different, and what works for others may not work for you, so you should keep experimenting until you find what works best for your brand.

How Do I Create a Successful Branded Hashtag?

Creating a successful branded hashtag involves more than just attaching your brand’s name to a number sign.

It requires a deep understanding of your audience, your brand, and the platform you’re using.

For a cooking brand intending to make an impact on Instagram and TikTok, preparing a set of unique and memorable cooking hashtags is crucial.

Understanding the nature of your content and how it resonates with your audience is vital in crafting a dynamic and catchy branded hashtag.

It is important to analyze your audience and what kind of cooking content they are interested in.

Are they more attracted to baking, healthy recipes, fast food or gourmet cooking? Target your hashtags based on your audience’s preferences.

Next, remember that the branded hashtag should represent your brand and help people associate the hashtag with you brand instantly.

For instance, if your brand is known for delicious homemade recipes, you might choose something like #BrandNameHomemadeDelights.

It’s also important to acknowledge that Instagram and TikTok are different platforms with unique user demographics and behavior.

A hashtag that works well on Instagram may not have the same impact on TikTok and vice versa. Don’t use exactly the same hashtags on both platforms.

On TikTok, for instance, users tend to appreciate humor and authenticity, thus a funny or catchy hashtag might work better.

Also, remember to make your branded cooking hashtags as short and simple as possible. It should be memorable and easy to type in.

Ultimately, the success of a branded hashtag depends on how much it resonates with your audience and how effectively it allows them to connect with your brand on a personal level.

Lastly, launching your branded hashtag requires a strategy. Aim to introduce it in an exciting and engaging way.

Whether it’s through a challenge, a contest, or an interactive video, it’s crucial to generate a buzz around your hashtag to motivate your followers to use it.

Indeed, creating effective and impactful cooking hashtags for Instagram and TikTok is an art, demanding thoughtful considering of your brand, audience, and the particular dynamics of the platform you’re using.

The Bottom Line

To wrap things up, it’s clear that using cooking hashtags on Instagram and Tiktok can greatly enhance your online presence in the world of culinary art.

With the right set of hashtags, you can connect with a wider audience, boost engagement on your posts, and provide exposure to your cooking content.

Just remember to keep them relevant, unique and catchy.

By taking these simple steps, you can potentially transform your social media accounts into a must-visit destination for food lovers around the world.

So, don’t hesitate, jump in and start using the cooking hashtags today!

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