
180 Travel Hashtags To Grow On Instagram & TikTok

17 Mins read

The utilization of popular hashtags is an indispensable part of maximizing social media engagement today.

Whether you’re a seasoned influencer or a casual traveler documenting experiences, the correct use of hashtags can enhance your posts’ visibility exponentially.

Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok thrive off this user-based categorization, making hashtags a powerful tool in your content strategy.

For posts related to travel experiences and sights, there exists a plethora of potential hashtags to select from.

This can range from location-specific ones to more general tags that resonate with all travel enthusiasts.

Our focus in this article is to guide you in choosing the most effective travel-related hashtags for Instagram and TikTok to broaden your reach and engagement.

Travel Hashtags For Instagram & TikTok

#Travel #Travelgram #InstaTravel #TravelPhotography #Wanderlust #TravelBlogger #TravelBlog #Globetrotter #Jetsetter #TravelBug #TravelLife #GoExplore #Adventure #TravelDiaries #Holiday #StayandWander #TravelAddict #BeautifulDestinations #ExploreMore #BucketList #TravelGoals #Trip #Tourism #LoveToTravel #Traveling #WorldTravel #Nature #Vacation #PassportReady #TravelWithMe

#TripAdvisor #TravelTheWorld #LuxuryTravel #TravelInspiration #TravelMore #SightSeeing #Tourist #TravelCapture #TravelIsLife #ExploreTheWorld #TravelPics #TravelLover #Traveller #TravelGuide #TravelAwesome #Travelholic #GirlsWhoTravel #TravelDudes #TravelDeeper #TravelersNotebook #BestInTravel #TravelandLife #TravelStoke #TravelJunkie #DestinationEarth #LetsGoEverywhere

#Backpacking #RoamThePlanet #TravelStoke #IGTravel #Traveler #TravelPic #WorldTraveler #MyTravelGram #SoloTravel #Travelers #TravelIsLife #TravelGuide #TravelDiary #TravelingThroughTheWorld #AroundTheWorld #TravelAddict #TravelBloggers #Jetset #Travelogue #TravelLove #TravelWithFriends #TravelMoments #LonelyPlanet #Visiting #TasteInTravel #TheGlobeWanderer

#Tripstagram #DoYouTravel #SuitcaseTravels #TravelWorld #TravelandDestinations #Traveltheworld #PlanetDiscovery #FrequentFlyer #PassportLife #Wanderer #TravelTips #CityTrip #TravelCouple #TravelExperience #TravelExplore #TravelCulture #TravelGrams #TravelBook #TravelHacks #TravelAroundTheWorld #TravelNation #TravelVibes #TravelStories #TravelMoments #ActivityHolidays #LostInCity

#InstaPassport #InstaTraveling #FocusOnTheWeekend #ToTravelistoLive #JustGoShoot #ChasingSunset #TravelingPost #TravelLifestyle #WanderMore #Travelogue #TravelCommunity #TravelOften #TravelersChoice #Travels #TravelQuotes #DiscoverEarth #TravelAnywhere #AdventureSeeker #TravelFacts #ExploreYourWorld #TravelLite #TravelMood #TravelVlog #ExploreEverything #TravelNow #Instatravelling

#BudgetTravel #NatureLovers #MeetTheWorld #Travelpreneur #Travelfriendly #DiscoverGlobe #TravelSmart #TravelPassion #TravelInfinity #VisitingPlaces #TravelSights #AmazingTravels #FamilyTravel #TravelDestination #TravelBuddy #TravelLeisure #TravelBreak #TravelTherapy #TravelExperience #TravelTheGlobe #ExploreToCreate #TravelTime #TravelPhotographyGuide #TravelMust #TravelWithStyle #TravelMuse #TravelIdea

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In the following sections, we will uncover the secrets of how to effectively use travel hashtags on Instagram and TikTok.

We’ll dive into the essentials of using these hashtags to maximize your visibility, and engage with a wider audience.

From the basic how-tos, to the most frequently asked questions about hashtags, we’ll cover everything you need to know to boost your social media game.

We aim to provide a comprehensive guide on harnessing the power of hashtags in your travel-related content.

Let’s get started on your journey to successful social media engagement.

How To Effectively Use Travel Hashtags?

1. Use Location-Specific Hashtags

Using location-specific hashtags is a highly effective strategy for gaining visibility on platforms like Instagram and TikTok and reaching out to a specific audience.

When you add a location-specific hashtag to your travel-related post, you immediately link your content with the exact geographical location that you are talking about, hence increasing the chances of reaching to an audience with interest in that particular location.

This strategy is constructive not only in terms of gaining organic reach, but also in terms of building genuine user engagement around your content.

For instance, if you are posting about the delicious pasta you had in a small local restaurant while vacationing in Italy, using hashtags like #ItalyEats, #Italyfooddiaries, #PastaInItaly, can give you a higher chance of being discovered by audiences interested in Italian cuisine or planning a trip to Italy.

These location-specific hashtags can dramatically boost the exposure of your post and engage with people who are genuinely interested in your content.

Using location-specific hashtags in your posts links your content with the exact geographical location and amplifies the reach to relevant audiences.

Moreover, when you adopt location-specific hashtags, it also increases the probability of your posts being picked up by local influencers, travel agencies, or people that could potentially collaborate with you.

Remember, the more specific your hashtags are, the more likely it is that your posts will reach the right audience. And with the right audience comes more engagement, more shares, and more reach.

The trick is not just to include any location-specific hashtags, but to use those that are relevant and descriptive of what your content is all about. Avoid generic hashtags like #travel, instead, dig a bit deeper to find more specific hashtags that can really help your posts stand out.

Rest assured, location-specific hashtags are an effective way of driving engagement to your posts on Instagram and TikTok, provided they are used with strategic planning and conscientiousness.

And yes, it might require a bit of research and effort from your end to find the perfect location-specific hashtags, but the end results are undoubtedly rewarding.

In simple words, location-specific hashtags are your golden tickets to harnessing the power of Instagram and TikTok algorithms and making your travel content reach its true potential audience!

So, the next time you post that amazing sunset shot you took on your beach vacation, don’t forget to tie the post with a location-specific hashtag to ensure that it gets its deserving attention.

After all, a picture might be worth a thousand words, but when paired with the right location-specific hashtags, it can leave a significantly larger impact and reach!

2. Use Niche-Specific Travel Hashtags

Using niche-specific travel hashtags can be highly effective in reaching a targeted audience on Instagram and TikTok.

While general travel hashtags can put your content in front of a vast audience, niche-oriented hashtags ensure that your content reaches people who are sincerely interested in that particular topic.

For example, if you’re posting photos or videos from a camping trip, using #CampingLife, or #WildernessExploration could drive a far more engaged audience to your content than a simple #travel, since these are more targeted.

Start by conducting thorough research to unearth the most popular and relevant niche-specific hashtags that align with your content.

Using the right keywords in your search, such as ‘adventure travel’ or ‘luxury resorts,’ can lead you to a host of applicable niche-oriented hashtags.

Monitor the top accounts in your specific travel niche on Instagram and TikTok and take note of the hashtags they are utilizing to promote their content.

Understanding the niche for your travel content allows you to more accurately tailor your hashtag strategy and reach the right audience.

Keep in mind that not all niche-oriented hashtags have to be location-based.

They can also encapsulate the experiences, activities, or sentiments that accompany certain types of travel, such as #EcoTravel, #DigitalNomad, or #Roadtrip.

Some niche-specific travel hashtags, such as #BackpackerLife, have built a community of travellers around them who share similar travel styles and aspirations.

Now, when you accompany your posts with such hashtags, you’re not just improving their discoverability, but also embedding them within these active and engaged online communities.

Another effective strategy is to utilize branded niche-specific hashtags.

Create a unique hashtag for your brand or your regular travel segments on Instagram or TikTok, so your followers can track your updates easily.

Always remember that the goal of utilizing niche-oriented hashtags isn’t to reach the maximum people but to reach the right kind of people – those who are genuinely interested in your specific kind of travel content.

Lastly, please take note that using too many similar kinds of niche-specific travel hashtags could potentially flag your content as spam by Instagram and TikTok algorithms.

To avoid this, consider diversifying your selection of hashtags by incorporating related but diverse themes.

Overall, effective usage of niche-specific travel hashtags requires a balance between relevance, popularity, diversity, and precise targeting.

3. Use Trending Travel Hashtags

Delving into the popular and trending world of travel hashtags can be an effective strategy to improve your post visibility on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

It is valuable to keep your feelers out for hashtag trends that are raising in popularity.

These trends often reflect the changing interests and desires of the social media audience, which can be leveraged to boost your content engagement.

Tools like Hashtagify or Ritetag can aid in identifying trending hashtags in travel niche.

While using trending hashtags, ensure that they relate authentically to the content you are sharing.

Inserting irrelevant trending hashtags might earn you a temporary spike in visibility, but can harm your credibility over time.

Engagement is often higher in posts that use trending hashtags since these tags concentrate a large audience interested in a particular topic.

However, it is essential to note that trends in hashtags can come and go quickly, which means you should consistently update your hashtag strategy.

An effective approach can be to blend trending travel hashtags with more timeless travel hashtags to achieve a balance of immediate visibility and long-term relevance.

Moreover, participating in popular travel hashtag challenges on TikTok can increase your content’s chance of going viral.

Users are generally more excited about such challenges and eagerly anticipate videos tagged with the corresponding trending hashtag.

However, it is crucial not to overuse trending travel hashtags.

Overloading your posts with trending hashtags could make your content seem disingenuous or spam-like to your followers.

Instead, using a moderate number of relevant trending hashtags in your posts can maximize your exposure and engagement.

Paying attention to these trending travel hashtags can help you keep a pulse on the travel landscape and use it strategically to boost your social media presence.

4. Combine Popular and Less Popular Hashtags

When it comes to using travel hashtags on

Instagram and TikTok,

it’s vital to strike a balance by combining popular and less popular hashtags.

In this strategy, you are not putting all your eggs in one basket; you’re giving your post a chance to be noticed in different viewership categories.

Popular hashtags have more reach as they are used by a large number of people.

However, since they are highly competitive, your post might get drowned in a sea of numerous posts, making it hard for your post to stand out.

On the other hand, less popular hashtags, although they don’t reach as many people as popular ones, are less competitive.

Using less popular hashtags boosts your chance of being noticed since there are fewer posts under these hashtags.

For instance, a popular travel hashtag like #travel has millions of posts while a less popular travel-themed hashtag like #roadtripbuddies might only have a few thousand posts.

By using both, you not only increase your reach but also give your post a chance of being featured in both categories.

You can find popular and less popular hashtags by simply doing a search on the specific platforms, Instagram and TikTok.

It’s advisable you always make

smart and strategic combinations of these hashtags.

This combined use demonstrates broad-ranging relevance while maintaining specificity, optimizing your post’s chances for maximum exposure.

However, it’s crucial to remember to keep the hashtags

relevant to your content

to increase your chance of connecting with the right audience.

This approach allows you to be seen by both the broader, more generalized audience scrolling through trending hashtags and the narrower, more targeted audience checking out unique ones.

Remember, for each post, it’s not always about reaching the largest audience but reaching the right audience that relates to and values your content.

5. Avoid overly populated hashtags

When using hashtags to boost your travel posts on social media platforms like Instagram and Tiktok, it’s essential to avoid overly populated hashtags.

Overly populated hashtags are those that have been used millions of times by users around the world.

Although it might seem counter-intuitive, using these ultra-popular hashtags can actually make your posts less visible rather than more.

This is because your post can quickly get lost in the ever-growing stream of content under that hashtag, making it harder for your target audience to find your post.

For instance, if you use the hashtag #Travel which has been used over 450 million times, your post will be one among millions and will disappear in the ocean of content in no time.

Moreover, overused hashtags are often targeted by bots, meaning that your posts could end up being seen by irrelevant audiences or even getting flagged as spam by social media algorithms.

Remember, you’re using hashtags to make your content more discoverable to an audience that’s genuinely interested in your travel content. Relying too heavily on over-saturated hashtags could dilute the effectiveness of your efforts and make this crucial marketing tool less beneficial.

Furthermore, overly populated hashtags are typically more general and less specific, and as such are far less likely to attract the kind of niche audience that’s likely to engage with your content in a meaningful way.

Keep in mind that you’re aiming to reach people who are genuinely interested in travel and your travel experiences, not just anyone scrolling through the Instagram or Tiktok feed.

Avoiding widely-used hashtags is a valuable tip to keep your hashtag usage focused and effective, thereby increasing your engagement rates and grow your follower base in a meaningful way.

In the travel niche, consider using more localized or less common hashtags, like those specific to a location, a particular travel style or those associated with niche travel communities.

Remember that, while it’s essential to reach a wide audience, it’s perhaps more important to reach the right audience.

Ultimately, using overly populated hashtags isn’t a best practice when it comes to social media strategy for your travel content, so it’s best to avoid them and opt for more niche-specific and relevant hashtags instead.

The beauty of social media platforms is that they allow you to reach a pointed and defined audience who share your passion for travel and are likely to engage with your content.

6. Use relevant hashtags related to the content

When utilizing travel hashtags on Instagram and TikTok, one strategy that significantly impacts the visibility and reach of your posts is the use of relevant hashtags relating to your content.

Content-specific hashtags help to steer users directly to your content, based on their specific searches and interests.

Your audience may be searching for something as specific as #YosemiteHiking or as general as #TravelPhotography, and, if used properly, these specific hashtags can guide them to your content.

It is crucial to accurately represent your content, as this will attract authentic engagement and can even lead to an increase in followers who share similar interests.

By using relevant hashtags, you invite genuine interaction and engagement from a targeted audience, ensuring your content reaches the right goal-finishing people.

Relevance is key when it comes to hashtags. For instance, if you’re posting about a city in Europe, hashtags like #Paristrip or #Londonlife can help draw in the precise audience you’d want to engage with your post.

However, avoid utilizing irrelevant hashtags only because they are trending, as it may confuse your audience and hinder your overall content presentation.

Relevant hashtags also help create a breadth and depth of content on your Instagram and Tiktok profiles which can appeal to a broader audience while also engaging a niche one.

It’s also essential to consider the uniqueness and specificity of your hashtags, because often, the more specific, the less competitive they will be, allowing your content to stand out more easily.

Also, your post could stay longer in searches for such hashtags, as there might be fewer posts using those hashtags and thus less frequency of posts for those searches.

On TikTok, combining relevant hashtags with the trending ones often results in a substantial boost in visibility, but remember that your hashtag’s relevancy should not be compromised in the process.

In conclusion, using relevant hashtags related to your content could be your strategy to stand out on Instagram and TikTok.

Remember, it’s about striking a balance between trending, location-specific, niche-specific, and content-specific hashtags to broaden your reach while maintaining authenticity and relevance in your content.

7. Use Seasonal or Holiday-Oriented Hashtags

One effective tactic to boost your visibility on Instagram and TikTok is to use seasonal or holiday-oriented hashtags.

This approach ensures that your content aligns with conversations that are occurring in real-time and gives users another reason to engage with your post.

For instance, during the Christmas season, you can leverage hashtags such as #ChristmasTravel or #WinterGetaways to increase the likelihood of your posts being seen by individuals planning their holiday travels.

Seasonal content provides a fresh and exciting change for your audience, leading to increased engagement rates.

It’s critical to ensure that the seasonal or holiday hashtag used is relevant to the content of your post.

Irrelevant hashtags can lead to misrepresentations, which could result in a lack of trust from your audience.

By incorporating timely elements into your travel content, you give users another reason to stop, engage, and potentially follow.

If you decide to use a holiday-specific hashtag, remember to post suitably in advance to capitalize on the peak activity related to that holiday.

Keep in mind, however, that many others will likely be using these popular hashtags, so it’s important to strike a balance between using trending tags and standing out in the crowd.

Research exactly what times of the year and which holidays coincide with high travel times, and tailor your hashtags accordingly.

You’ll need to keep your audience’s geographical location, tastes, and cultural backgrounds in mind when choosing which holidays and seasons to use as hashtags.

An effective use of seasonal and holiday hashtags can be a powerful tool for engagement on Instagram and TikTok.

These types of hashtags are another way for you to converse with your audience and highlight your brand’s awareness of the current climate and upcoming events.

So, when planning out your hashtag strategy, don’t overlook the potential impact of seasonal and holiday-oriented hashtags.

Used effectively, they can be a vehicle for connecting with your audience on a deeper level and making your posts more engaging and relatable.

8. Mix Global And Local Hashtags

When developing a compelling strategy to increase visibility on Instagram and TikTok, combining global and local hashtags is key.

This approach enables you to tap into both the vast, worldwide audience while still targeting your specific demographic in certain geographical locations.

Think of global hashtags as broad, universal tags used by masses around the globe, such as #Travel, #Wanderlust, or #Travelgram, whereas local hashtags revolve around specific places or regions, like #NYCTravel or #TokyoAdventures.

Using global hashtags can give your content a larger reach as they are widely used and followed by millions of Instagram and TikTok users.

On the other hand, using local hashtags can make your content visible to a more targeted audience, which can result in higher engagement rates.

This is especially useful if your content centers around a unique place or destination.

For instance, if you’ve shared an image or a video from a trip to London, using broader global tags such as #Travel might get you visibility.

Yet, by adding more specific regional tags like #LondonTravel or #UKAdventures, can help you reach a more specific audience who are interested in or planning their travel to these locations.

Moreover, using local hashtags can also increase the chances of getting featured on location-based pages or groups, further expanding your reach.

Importantly, when mixing global and local hashtags, ensure you maintain balance.

Using too many global hashtags could make your content be lost in the sea of other posts, while an over-reliance on local tags could limit your reach to smaller, specific audiences.

A healthy mix can ensure that you enjoy the benefits of each while offsetting their individual drawbacks.

To understand which type of hashtags works best for your content, monitor your traffic and engagement rates.

Consider using an analytics tool to assess the impact and performance of different hashtags.

This can help you refine your hashtag strategy over time, and make more informed decisions about which tags to include in your future posts.

Remember, the ultimate goal of using hashtags on Instagram and TikTok is to increase the visibility and engagement of your content.

By effectively mixing global and local hashtags, you can create a balanced and effective hashtag strategy that caters to a wide range of audiences and maximizes your posts’ potential reach and influence.

9. Use a consistent set of brand hashtags

When it comes to popularizing your brand on Instagram and Tiktok, using a consistent set of brand hashtags is paramount.

Brand hashtags are a way for people to easily find your content and for you to build a community around your brand.

Creating a unique and easily recognizable brand hashtag allows your brand to stand out from the competition.

If you consistently use the same set of brand hashtags, it will be easier for users to quickly identify your brand and your content.

Ensure your brand hashtags are relevant and specific to your brand, this will help to attract the audience you want.

Using common or generic hashtags may not achieve the desired impact as they can easily get lost among other posts.

Resist the urge to use too many brand hashtags. Ideally, keep it to one or two hashtags per post to ensure clarity.

Apart from just using brand hashtags, it’s crucial to actively encourage your followers to use these hashtags when they share your content. This significantly increases your brand visibility and broadens your reach.

This enables your brand to reach a wider audience and fosters a sense of community among your followers.

You can also use brand hashtags to monitor your brand’s reputation online.

It provides a way for you to track user-generated content and measure the success of your campaigns.

Consider creating campaign-specific hashtags along with your brand hashtag for each of your campaigns.

This can make your campaign content easily discoverable and measurable.

Investing in a consistent set of brand hashtags is a long-term strategy that can enhance your brand value on Instagram and TikTok.

It helps to maintain a strong online presence and improve audience engagement.

Consistent use of brand hashtags can significantly increase your brand’s visibility, popularity, and credibility on these platforms.

Remember, the more your hashtag is used, the more your brand grows.

10. Avoid Using Too Many Hashtags

Using the right amount of hashtags can be a crucial element for the success of a travel post on Instagram and TikTok.

While there are notably many irresistible travel-specific hashtags, it’s important to be mindful of the number used in a single post.

Hashtags are vital for reach and visibility, however, cramming dozens of hashtags into a single post can make your content seem desperate for attention or spammy.

According to research, posts with about 9 hashtags receive the highest engagement on Instagram.

Thus, it’s recommended to limit your hashtags around this number to maximize their effectiveness.

Nevertheless, it’s equally important to note that this number might vary depending on different factors such as the platform, your audience, and the quality of your content.

On TikTok, for instance, it’s advisable to use fewer hashtags as users on this platform have a tendency to view many hashtags as visually cluttering.

While Instagram permits up to 30 hashtags per post, research shows that using all 30 can actually decrease engagement.

Therefore, instead of trying to fill up your entire hashtag quota, focus more on selecting the most relevant and effective hashtags for your post.

Rather than chasing volume, consider the relevance and quality of your hashtags.

Too many hashtags can also distract from your main message and potentially turn off followers.

The most successful hashtags are those that are relevant, specific, and coincide with your target audience’s interests.

The level of engagement that your post receives is more important than the amount of visibility that it initially gets.

As a travel influencer or brand, your goal should be to create genuine interaction with your followers and to build a loyal community.

In the end, knowing how to skillfully and effectively use hashtags can significantly increase the reach and impact of your travel-related posts on Instagram and TikTok.

How Do Hashtags Improve Instagram Engagement Rate?

Utilizing hashtags is a powerful way to increase engagement rate on posts by Instagram users.

Typically, using hashtags in your posts allows them to be discovered by other users through the Instagram Search and Explore functionality.

This means that your content is not only seen by your followers, but also by potential new followers that are interested in the same topics.

By incorporating relevant, trending hashtags in your context, you are likely to attract a wider audience who can interact with your post through likes, comments or shares, boosting your engagement rate.

This strategy is especially useful when it comes to travel hashtags on Instagram.

By using specific travel-related hashtags, your posts have a higher chance of being discovered by those who are actively seeking out travel inspiration or advice.

Some of these travel-related hashtags might include #travel, #Travelgram, #Instatravel or anything specific to the location or type of post such as #foodie or #architecture.

Instagram allows users to follow hashtags, meaning if you nail the right ones, you can increase your visibility and engagement significantly.

However, it is important to make sure that your hashtags are always relevant to each specific post and audience.

If they do not directly relate to the post’s content, it can be seen as spammy or irrelevant, potentially leading to decrease in engagement or even negative feedback from users.

Ultimately, using hashtags on Instagram helps to target your posts to interested users, thereby driving greater engagement.

It’s a simple yet effective way to expand your reach and connect with a diverse audience from all over the world, interested in what you have to say or share.

As a best practice, aim to use a mix of both generic and specific hashtags for the best chances of being discovered by different audiences.

Additionally, while Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, data suggests that posts with around 5-11 hashtags receive the most engagement.

Keep this in mind when crafting your travel-inspired posts to ensure your content is being seen by as many interested users as possible.

What Hashtags Are Trending on Tiktok Today?

On Tiktok, trending hashtags are often driven by popular trends, viral videos, or significant events.

The use of these trending hashtags can boost the visibility of your travel content.

Typically, Tiktok hashtags work similarly to Instagram, allowing users to locate content around a specific theme or trend.

It’s also fundamental to know that there are often unique or specialized hashtags that trend on Tiktok specifically due to its user behavior and interface.

Being adept at following the hashtags trend can put your travel content at the forefront on Tiktok.

Tiktok provides a list of trending hashtags on its ‘discover’ page, which could be a significant resource for users seeking to get their content noticed.

Some current trending hashtags on Tiktok, which may be effectively used in travel-related content include #TikTokTravel, #Wanderlust, #HiddenGem, and #TravelThrowback.

These can vary from user-generated tags to official Tiktok campaigns.

A regular example of a travel-related hashtag that often goes viral on TikTok is #TiktokTravel.

However, it’s crucial to ensure that these hashtags direct to your content’s theme and don’t seem misplaced or incoherent.

Furthermore, it’s encouraged to combine trending hashtags with more specific hashtags relevant to the travel content you’re posting.

For example, if your content captures European travels, tags like #EuropeTravel or #TravelEurope coupled with a trending hashtag can drastically improve your visibility.

Unlike Instagram, where users often fill up captions with hashtags, one should aim for a more strategic use of hashtags on Tiktok.

Using the correct mix of trending and specific hashtags is a clever way to boost your travel content reach and engagement on Tiktok.

Remember, to continuously monitor the trending hashtags and adapt your posts accordingly, to ensure your content becomes prominent and relevant in the Tiktok community.

Do Numbers Work in Instagram Hashtags?

Using numbers in Instagram hashtags can indeed positively influence your engagement rate, especially when you apply them in a strategic and meaningful way.

Certainly, many prominent travel hashtargs such as #travel2022 or #travel365 incorporate numbers that could relate to the year, number of days in a year, or even rankings that the publisher may imply.

Numbers in hashtags can help in creating a unique identifier, making your content stand out in the digital stream.

Applying a numeric hashtag as part of your promotional strategy can help increase the visibility of your Instagram post.

Travel influencers and marketers often use numbers in their Instagram hashtags as it gives followers a clear idea of their journey such as the number of days travelled, rating of the location or even sequential number of the travel series.

For instance, using the hashtag like #EuroTrip7 makes it clear that the content is from a seventh trip to Europe.

But it’s essential to understand that just using numbers in a hashtag won’t elicit engagement unless the number adds value to the content of the post.

Use numbers in a way that grabs potential followers’ attention – but always ensure the digits you use are relevant to the post or your brand.

A common practice is to use numbers related to dates, anniversaries, special numbers related to your brand, or major milestones.

Number-oriented hashtags, when used strategically, can be a powerful tool to increase engagement and visibility.

Also, bear in mind not to use numbers exclusively in place of words, as this could make your hashtags difficult to understand.

For example, using #2 instead of #to or #4 instead of #for can confuse your audience and may not yield the desired results.

Always check the popularity of a hashtag before using it and avoid using hashtags that are overcrowded with posts.

Ultimately, using numbers in Instagram hashtags can be an effective method to boost engagement, provided they’re used thoughtfully and add additional value to the content.

Are There Best Practices for Tiktok Hashtags?

While using hashtags on TikTok is a great way to gain more visibility, there are a few best practices that you should keep in mind to optimize your performance.

First, always try to use trending hashtags related to travel, since these will likely give your content more visibility and potential engagement.

Creating your own hashtags is another effective method.

Creating your own unique hashtag can not only help to categorize your content, but also creates an exclusive community for your followers.

However, when creating your own hashtags, it’s important to keep them simple and easy to remember.

This increases the likelihood that other TikTok users will use and engage with them.

Using a mix of large and small community hashtags can also be beneficial.

While larger community hashtags can help your post reach a larger audience, smaller community hashtags, or niche hashtags, can make sure your post reaches an audience that is more likely to be interested in your content.

Another practice to consider is to never overuse hashtags.

Using too many hashtags in a single post can appear spammy and might deter users from engaging with your post.

It’s recommended to use less than ten hashtags per post as an ideal number.

Equally important is using relevant hashtags.

Hashtags that are not relevant to your post can also appear spammy and deter engagement.

Relevant hashtags add value to your post and helps Tiktok’s algorithm understand what your post is about, thereby improving its discoverability.

Finally, it’s crucial to keep experimenting with different hashtags.

As Tiktok’s trends keep changing, so do the trending hashtags. To stay on top, you need to regularly experiment with different hashtags and see what works best for your content.

Through constant experimentation, you can discover new hashtags that can drive more visibility and engagement to your posts.

Can Too Many Hashtags Reduce Instagram Visibility?

When it comes to using hashtags on Instagram, particularly within the context of travel hashtags, it’s important to strike a careful balance.

Excessive hashtag usage, while it might seem like a good strategy to maximize visibility, can actually lead to your posts being shadowbanned.

Shadowbanning is Instagram’s measure against spam-like behaviors, causing posts from an account not to appear in searches for non-followers, seriously hampering visibility.

This measure is in place to discourage users from overusing the same hashtags or engaging in spammy behaviors.

Instagram has a ’30 hashtags per post’ limit for a reason, and it’s not just to keep your captions looking neat and unclustered.

The main aim is to foster authenticity and to ensure users are sharing meaningful content.

When you use the same travel hashtags repeatedly or use too many, Instagram may view it as spam-like behaviour.

In turn, this can lead to a drop in your engagement rates as your posts stop appearing in hashtag searches.

So, if you’re planning a series of beautiful travel snaps from your latest excursion, remember not to overdo it with the hashtags.

Strategically selecting a handful of the most relevant and popular travel related hashtags is often more beneficial to your reach and engagement.

This can help you avoid potential shadowban and keep your content visible to your audience.

Moreover, changing up your hashtags and using a variety of relevant ones can help you reach different segments of your target audience, further boosting your engagement.

Furthermore, it’s also important to keep in mind the timestamps of your posts. Posting at peak times when your target audience is most active can also significantly increase visibility and engagement.

Ultimately, the key is to prioritise quality over quantity and ensure any hashtags used are relevant, targeted and valuable to those likely to engage with your content.

While it might be tempting to load up your posts with as many hashtags as possible, this strategy can often be counterproductive.

Remember, Instagram is about sharing the experiences and stories behind each photo or video.

A carefully selected handful of relevant, targeted hashtags will represent your travel experiences far more effectively than a random selection of trending ones.

The Bottom Line

After discussing the various travel hashtags popular on Instagram and TikTok, it’s clear that picking the right ones can significantly increase your social media engagement.

Leveraging these trending hashtags not only helps in attracting other travel enthusiasts but also boosts your chances of finding your post on the explorer page.

Remember, the more specific your hashtags, the more engaged your audience will be.

So put on your explorers hat, pack your bags and get ready to go on the beautiful journey of sharing your adventures with the world.

But don’t forget to use those travel-related hashtags.

They can make all the difference between getting a few likes and capturing the world’s attention.

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