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10 Steps to Grow Your Beauty Tutorial Instagram Page (2024)

15 Mins read

In today’s digital age, Instagram has become an influential platform allowing beauty enthusiasts to share tips, tutorials, and product reviews.

The platform is saturated with accounts vying for the attention of users, making it a challenge to stand out and grow a dedicated following.

Success requires not just creativity and skill, but also strategic planning.

What you post, when you post, and how you engage with your audience can considerably impact your growth rate.

However, growing a beauty tutorial Instagram page doesn’t happen overnight.

In this context, we shall delve into proven strategies for achieving substantial and consistent growth for your beauty Instagram page.

Steps To Grow Your Beauty Tutorial Instagram Page

1. Choose a catchy, beauty-relevant Instagram username

The first and arguably one of the most crucial steps in growing your beauty tutorial Instagram page is choosing a catchy, beauty-relevant Instagram username.

Your chosen username will not only identify you on the platform, but it will also reflect the content that you share.

A well thought out username can help set expectations for new followers and pique their interest.

If potential followers can tell from your username that you are a beauty account, they’re more likely to check out your page and follow you.

This is why it’s necessary to think about your beauty niche when brainstorming usernames.

Do you specialize in skincare, makeup tutorials, hair styling, or nail art? Your username should give some hint as to your speciality.

The combination of catchiness, relevancy, and uniqueness should be the goal.

The easier your Instagram handle is to remember, the easier it is for people to recommend your page to their friends or type it into the search bar to find your page.

You don’t want your followers to struggle to remember your username or have to look it up whenever they want to mention you to their friends.

If your handle is catchy and easy to remember, it will encourage more word of mouth advertising and help increase your follower count.

However, please avoid resorting to quirky spellings or too many underscores that might confuse users.

Keeping it simple, concise, and memorable should be your mantra while choosing your Instagram username.

The video above explains some points to consider while choosing the ideal Instagram username.

It provides tips on how to craft creative and memorable usernames that adequately represent your brand.

Integrating these tips can help make your Instagram handle stand out and perfectly encapsulate what your beauty tutorial page is all about.

Summing up, your Instagram username should not just be a random selection of characters.

Rather, it should be a concise representation of your brand, give an idea about the content you offer, and lure potential followers to your page.

Remember, your Instagram handle is one of the first things potential followers see, and first impressions are everything!

So, take umpteen care to get this first step right in your journey of growing your beauty tutorial Instagram page!

2. Share High-Quality Beauty Tutorial Images and Videos

Instagram has become a top resource for beauty enthusiasts looking for transformational makeup and skincare tutorials.

As such, creating and sharing high-quality images and videos is an invaluable step in growing your beauty tutorial Instagram page.

High-quality content attracts, engages, and retains your audience.

This means that your photos and videos should be clear, well-lit, and aesthetically pleasing.

Investing in a good camera and/or smartphone with a high-quality camera is also essential.

There are plenty of editing apps that can enhance your images and videos to achieve a professional look.

You should also consider the angle and framing of your photos and videos.

Ideally, your content should provide a detailed view of the beauty process to guide your followers effectively.

It is vital to not only focus on the end result but also the process it takes to get there.

As a beauty influencer, people follow you not only for the final look but more for the step-by-step tutorial.

Sharing the step-by-step process in detail increases the value of your content, making you a go-to resource for beauty tips and techniques.

By making yourself a reliable resource, you garner trust among your audience which encourages them to keep coming back to your page.

Very few people can perfectly mimic a beauty look from a final photo, but they would certainly appreciate a breakdown teaching them how to achieve it.

Aside from focusing on the quality of images and videos, pay attention to the quality of your content too.

Ensure your tutorials are easy to understand and follow.

Using captions to explain each step can be highly useful.

Experiment with different types of content.

How-to tutorials, product reviews, skincare routines, makeup-for-beginners guides, and trend alerts are a few examples.

Getting creative with your content and diversifying it will keep your page fresh and engaging to your followers.

Lastly, always be authentic, whether it be through your words, your style, or the products you promote.

People can easily sniff out insincerity and mass-produced content.

Authenticity fosters trust and relationships with followers, making them more likely to engage with your posts and share your content.

Getting your followers to share your content increases your visibility on Instagram and can help you attract new followers.

So remember, quality over quantity.

Your followers will appreciate the effort you put into creating high-quality, authentic content, and as a result, your beauty tutorial Instagram page will grow.

3. Engage with followers, answer queries regularly.

One of the primary keys to growing your beauty tutorial Instagram page is effectively engaging with your followers.

Engagement entails more than just responding to comments and direct messages—although those are very important.

It’s about creating a community that feels appreciated and heard on your Instagram page.

You can achieve this by regularly answering any queries that your followers may have about your beauty tutorials or about the products you use.

Paying attention to their queries not only helps them feel heard but also provides you with a wealth of information about what your followers want to see.

This information can be extremely useful in creating high-quality content that directly responds to their needs and desires, ensuring that your audience remains engaged and loyal.

This also demonstrates to your followers that you value their input and are committed to providing them with the best content and advice possible.

Furthermore, consistently engaging with your followers shows that you’re an active and approachable beauty expert, boosting your brand image in the process.

By watching the embedded video, you’ll learn about certain mistakes that may be preventing your followers from engaging with you.

Understanding these mistakes will help enhance your strategy to engage with your followers in a more effective way.

Remember, the goal here isn’t to just amass a large number of followers, but also to build meaningful relationships with them, and this is where engagement comes in.

Regularly answering their queries and engaging with them cultivates a sense of community in your Instagram page, which in return gives your beauty tutorials a loyal and active user base.

The more you prioritize this piece of your strategy, the more you’ll be able to connect with your followers on a deeper level, and the more they’ll be likely to spread the word about your Instagram page, contributing to its growth.

So, always make it a point to regularly engage with your followers and answer their queries, as this will help immensely in building and growing your beauty tutorial Instagram page.

4. Consistently post, at least once daily.

One of the crucial elements of achieving success on Instagram, especially in the field of beauty tutorial pages, is consistency.

Posting high-quality, engaging content on a regular basis is the backbone of increasing both your engagement rates and your follower count.

As a beauty influencer, your followers expect and look forward to seeing your posts every day.

Consistency is key in maintaining and growing your audience.

Being consistent not only grows your audience but also helps to build loyalty and trust among your followers.

They become comfortable with your posting schedule and come to expect new content from you daily.

This builds a strong relationship with your followers, making them more likely to engage with your posts and even share your content with their own followers.

Setting a concrete posting schedule can work wonders.

It not only helps maintain consistency, but also prevents content fatigue from posting too much in a short time span.

Creating a content calendar and planning your posts ahead of time is an excellent way to ensure you’re posting regularly and consistently.

However, consistency isn’t just about the frequency of your posts.

Your content consistency matters as well.

It’s important that your posts are shared in a consistent style and represent the same theme.

This could greatly affect your brand image and ensure that your followers can easily identify your posts.

Remember, consistency does not mean being repetitive.

Try to bring variety into your posts while maintaining a consistent theme

Consistency can also extend to the day and time of posting.

There are peak times during the day when most Instagram users are active, and targeting your posts during these peak hours can increase your visibility.

Make sure to use Instagram’s analytics tool to figure out the best time to post based on when your audience is most active.

Maintaining posting consistency is a balance that requires time, attention, and creative effort.

So, consistency can help build your beauty tutorial Instagram Page.

But it’s important to remember that quality should not be compromised for the sake of quantity.

Always ensure your posts add value to your followers.

Ultimately, creating unique, engaging content and sharing it consistently can help you establish a thriving beauty tutorial page on Instagram.

5. Use beauty-relevant hashtags (#) in your posts.

Your Instagram posts can receive significant visibility through the strategic application of relevant, beauty-targeted hashtags (#).

The foundation of effective use of hashtags is understanding their purpose within the Instagram platform.

Instagram’s algorithm uses hashtags to categorize content and serve it to users who have shown interest in similar content.

By integrating popular beauty-related hashtags into your posts, you connect your content to a larger conversation taking place within the beauty community on Instagram.

Additionally, it’s essential to avoid generic hashtags that are likely over-flooded, and instead opt for more niche, specific hashtags to increase your chances of being noticed.

Effective use of hashtags can significantly increase your content’s visibility, specifically targeting your audience.

This is a time-tested strategy that many successful beauty influencers have used to expand their reach and grow their pages.

In addition to general beauty-related hashtags, don’t forget to include specific hashtags related to the topics you’re covering, such as product names, brands, or specific beauty techniques.

This further positions your content to be discovered by those with specific interests within the beauty realm.

Another strategy is to create your own unique hashtag.

This aids in brand development and allows your followers to engage with your brand on a more personal level.

Researching and studying trending hashtags within the beauty industry regularly is also crucial for staying relevant.

You might learn strategies to create hashtags that boost your account’s visibility from the video.

It delves deeply into the intricacies of using hashtags to generate more engagement on Instagram.

Keep in mind, though, that while hashtags are a powerful tool, they are not a magic bullet.

It’s the quality of the content that truly builds a loyal following.

And remember, it’s not only about the quantity of followers, but the quality of your interaction with them – and this comes from providing valuable, engaging content consistently.

6. Collaborate with other beauty influencers.

One major step to grow your beauty tutorial Instagram page is to engage in collaborations with other beauty influencers.

These partnerships are more than just an opportunity to gain exposure; they’re a chance to create meaningful relationships within the beauty community.

Cosmetics brands often lookout for collaborations that allow them to reach new audiences; you can tap into this by actively seeking partnerships.

It’s advised to collaborate with influencers who have a similar follower base size, so both parties benefit equally from the collaboration.

Influencers who share similar content or aesthetics can contribute to mutual growth, enhancing your page’s visibility and reach.

This approach supports the idea that shared followers are likely to have similar interests, thus being interested in both parties involved in the collaboration.

Ensuring that content is consistent, engaging, and aligned with both your brands can lead to successful collaborations.

Influencer collaborations can take the form of joint tutorials, product reviews, IGTV videos, or Instagram lives where both influencers create beauty content together.

Such joint ventures not only boost your credibility but also keep your followers engaged by offering new perspectives and techniques.

Also, being part of influencer partnerships often results in an increase in new followers who discover your page via the shared content.

An essential factor to consider when collaborating is to ensure a mutual respect and bond with the influencer you are working with.

A healthy partnership rooted in shared values and mutual respect can lead to repeated collaborations that further amplify your reach and expand your follower base.

These successful partnerships can pave the way for long term professional relationships in the beauty industry.

Cultivating these relationships not only benefits your Instagram growth but also expands your network within the industry, opening up more future opportunities.

Lastly, always remember that the goal is to create engaging content that appeals to the audience and aligns with the ethos of your page, ensuring the authenticity of your beauty tutorial Instagram page.

7. Host giveaways to attract more followers.

One of the most effective strategies for growing your beauty tutorial Instagram page is to host giveaways.

Giveaways not only create excitement and increase engagement, but they also act as a powerful way to attract new followers.

Everyone loves free stuff, and the chance to win something can lure in a hefty amount of new followers.

The trick lies in creating a giveaway that’s both attractive and easy to participate in.

Your followers should feel the urge to share and participate.

Strategically plan your giveaways around special occasions or milestones for better participation.

This could be when your page reaches a certain number of followers or during a holiday season.

Timing a giveaway correctly can greatly enhance its effectiveness, as it provides a reason for people to engage and helps to build a sense of urgency.

A successful giveaway should have clear conditions of entry.

Typically, this will include tasks like liking a specific post, following your account, tagging a friend, or sharing a post in their story.

While coming up with entry conditions, ensure that they align with your goal – to gain new followers.

For instance, having a condition where participants need to follow your account in order to be eligible for entering the giveaway could help.

You’ll discover more about running efficient giveaways on Instagram by watching this informative video.

It covers valuable tips and tricks that you can implement to make your giveaway reach more people and attract new followers.

Keep the process of entering the giveaway as simple as possible.

Having a complex process can discourage people from participating.

Based on the nature of your beauty tutorial Instagram page, you could choose the giveaway prizes.

It could range from beauty products to services that you offer or collaborations with brands.

Don’t underestimate the power of collaboration with other beauty influencers during these giveaways, as their followers could soon become yours too.

Putting in the right efforts and planning can make your giveaway a smashing hit, helping you to attract a wave of new followers for your beauty tutorial Instagram page.

8. Share User-Generated Content, Give Credits

Sharing user-generated content is a fabulous way to showcase your audience’s creativity and appreciation for your beauty tutorials.

This doesn’t only provide fresh content for your page but also builds a stronger connection with your followers.

The process is straightforward; when a follower recreates one of your looks and tags you in their post, you can repost it on your page, crediting them accordingly.

This is a beneficial mutual process as it provides exposure for both parties involved.

The act of sharing user-generated content sends a clear message to your followers that you value and appreciate their efforts.

This creates an avenue for genuine interaction and community-building, making your followers feel seen and appreciated.

The result is a stronger bond between you and your audience, fostering loyalty and trust.

Another important aspect of sharing user-generated content is that it helps to humanize your brand.

By showcasing your followers’ versions of your tutorials, you prove that your techniques and tips are applicable in real life and not just for professionals.

This resonates with your followers and can increase engagement on your posts.

Furthermore, it’s essential to give credit where credit is due.

When reposting user-generated content, always make sure to mention the original poster in the caption.

This shows respect for their work and encourages others to share their recreations for a chance to be featured on your page.

Last but not least, sharing user-generated content can lead to increased visibility of your page.

When you tag your followers in your posts, their followers can see it too, potentially leading to a higher reach and more followers for your page.

So, why not start today?

Scroll through your tagged photos, pick one that stands out, and give that follower a nice shoutout.

You’ll be amazed at the positive impact it can have on your beauty tutorial Instagram page!

9. Monitor Your Instagram Analytics, Adjust Strategy

When aiming to grow your beauty tutorial Instagram page, an often overlooked yet vital step is monitoring your Instagram analytics and adjusting your strategy.

Your Instagram analytics represent a wealth of valuable data.

The underlying information can provide insights on the effectiveness of your current strategy.

Through analytics, you can understand what’s working and what isn’t.

You can identify the types of posts that are attracting the most engagement and those that aren’t yielding desired results.

Reach, likes, comments, shares, and saves are some of the vital metrics that you should be focusing on while measuring engagement.

Analyzing these metrics is crucial for creating content that resonates with your audience and brings more followers to your beauty tutorial Instagram page.

When you are aware of the kind of posts that garner most engagement, you can then tailor your future posts in a similar direction.

This continuous evaluation and tweaking of your strategy will help in sustaining audience interest, driving growth on your Instagram page.

Furthermore, demographics data like age, gender, location etc., available through Instagram analytics play a significant role in adjusting your content strategy.

It gives a clearer idea about who your audience is and what they might prefer.

By watching this video, you’ll be able to dive deeper into the different types of data available through Instagram analytics.

Moreover, you will get a broader understanding of how to utilize this data and use it to fine-tune your Instagram strategy.

Remember, monitoring Instagram analytics is not a one-time job.

Since Instagram’s algorithm keeps changing, and so does user behavior, it’s crucial that you make it a consistent practice to analyze the performance of your page.

This allows for timely course corrections to your approach and keeps your growth plan dynamic and responsive to changes.

Your ultimate goal should always be to create the best content for your followers and to foster deeper relationships with them.

Instagram analytics lays the groundwork, helping you understand what your followers appreciate, helping you serve them better.

Although understanding and analyzing Instagram’s analytics may seem intimidating at first, with regular monitoring and thoughtful interpretation, it quickly becomes second nature.

Remember, building an engaging beauty tutorial Instagram page is a process, and analytics are your roadmap to success.

10. Promote Your IG Page on Other Platforms

Promoting your beauty tutorial Instagram page on other platforms is one of the most efficient ways to grow your page’s follower count and reach a wider audience.

There are numerous other social media channels that can serve as a means to funnel followers to your Instagram page.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube are just a few of the most prominent and popular platforms.

If you have an existing following on any of these platforms, tell your followers about your beauty tutorial Instagram page.

Provide them with direct links to your Instagram page to make it easier for them to find and follow your page.

On your YouTube channel, you can synchronize your videos with your Instagram posts.

For instance, you can post a short preview or teaser of your Instagram tutorial video on YouTube, and then direct your YouTube viewers to your Instagram page to see the full video.

Similarly, on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, you can share highlights or sneak peeks of your Instagram content and then provide a link to your Instagram page for the full content.

This cross-promotion strategy can intrigue your followers on these platforms and spark interest in your Instagram content.

As a result, your followers on these platforms are more likely to visit your Instagram page, and if they like what they see, they will follow your page.

Additionally, if you have a blog or a website, you can also incorporate your Instagram content into your articles or posts.

This way, you can direct traffic from your website or blog to your Instagram page.

Another effective way to promote your beauty tutorial Instagram page on other platforms is through email marketing.

If you have an email list, be it for your blog, website, or online store, you can send out newsletters featuring your Instagram posts.

Make sure to include a call to action encouraging your email subscribers to follow your Instagram page.

Moreover, take advantage of guest blogging opportunities.

Guest blogging allows you to reach a new audience that may not know about your Instagram beauty tutorial page.

When guest blogging, make sure to include a link to your Instagram page in your author bio.

You can also collaborate with other beauty influencers on other platforms and do a shout-out swap.

This means you promote each other’s Instagram pages on your respective platforms.

This strategy can help you to reach your target audience who are likely to be interested in beauty tutorials.

Above all, remember to always maintain your brand’s authenticity and consistency when promoting your Instagram page on other platforms.

This is to ensure that your followers on other platforms can also enjoy the same quality content that you provide on your Instagram page.

In essence, promoting your IG page on other platforms is a strategy that extends your reach and helps you gain more followers who are interested in your beauty tutorials.

This form of cross-promotion will also significantly increase the visibility of your posts, and consequently, your overall follower growth on Instagram.

The Bottom Line

Establishing a thriving beauty-oriented Instagram account is certainly not a walk in the park.

It demands not just the sharing of high-quality tutorial images and videos, but also consistent and strategic engagement with followers, collaborations with fellow influencers, and clever use of beauty-relevant hashtags.

Including user-generated content can further add authenticity to your profile.

Hosting giveaways and promoting your page on different platforms are also effective ways to broaden your reach.

By closely monitoring your Instagram analytics, you can refine your strategies for greater impact.

Taken together, these tactics can help your account shine through the numerous beauty-centric Instagram accounts and appeal to your target audience.

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